
Friday, January 22, 2010


Hey guys!!
Sorry I havent put any pics up lately ..
So I am getting a helix right after I get back from Mexico!!
Im going on February 5th, and coming back on February 12th. (:

This is a helix (cartalige) --------->

And I am doing this piercing myself ... (Drum roll plz) sometime in March I'm doing a side guesssssss .....,, Labret:-D ------------->

YAY! tehe
Facebook me :) if you type in the search bar futureanna in about 5 or 6 down you will see Anna Anderson and that is me :)

Thursday, January 21, 2010


hey guys

blogger keeps mixing up my words when i post things

sorry for any confusion

Piercing How To's

Hey Guys!

If there is anymore requests for piercing How To's please email me or comment and I will see if Bleed will help me put something together for you :)

Thanks =)

How To Safely Pierce Your Septum

How to pierce your septum- (By Bleed Obscene)

16gauge, 8-10mm (14gauge if requested)


Captive bead ring or Horse Shoe Barbell types of jewelery.

Horse Shoe Barbell is the best for healing.

Preference is with a piercing needle.


Firstly ash your hands with an anti-bacterial hand wash, dry with paper towelling and put on a pair of surgical gloves ..

Piercing AREA / SETTING:

* Sterilised jewelery and needle should be place on a double layered sheet of Paper towelling.

* Along with medical pen, alcohol Swabs, lubricate and water based hand sanitiser.

* Septum forceps. Septums are pierced free hand. A cork can also be used.

* Use Hand Sanitiser on gloves to clean them before touching any of your tools.

* Disinfect the area to be pierced using a new isopropyl alcohol swab.

* In the normal sitting position, mark the placement of the piercing at 8mm using the pen.

* Lubricate the needle.

* Position the cork against the inside of the septum, then pushing the nostril upwards a little with the cork, the needle position straight an angle as possible

* Push the needle swiftly and firmly but not with excessive pressure, through the entry side until appox 5-6mm of the blunt end of the needle is showing.

* Place the thread of the jewelery in the needle and slowly push through.

* Put ball on jewelery and you're done.


All tools must be cleaned. Needle and disposed of. Its easy to Clean your arena by making sore all paper etc is all on paper towelling, picked up and thrown away.

** Do NOT clean newly pierced area with alcohol swab. **

Big Thanks to Bleed obscene

Piercing Techniques

Piercing Techniques (By Bleed Obscene)

The following are important piercing techniques that will help you execute a successful piercing quality,

* Always wear a brand new pair of latex powder free gloves.

* Always handle any item with sterilised gloves on.

* Any instrument must be autoclaved or cleaned where necessary in the correct manner.

* Any item used must be disposed of or autoclaved or cleaned in the correct manner.

* Always use brand new needles for any piercing as it will be a lot less painful, will accelerate the healing time of the piercing and most importantly of all, will prevent cross contamination.

Always disinfect (alcohol Swabs) the area to be pierced appropriately.

* Always clean and disinfect the piercing work area before and after each piercing.

* Generally anywhere you can pinch you can pierce (within reason). When piercing in 'strange' places e.g. the leg, arm etc u ill rarely encounter any problems except for growing out, long healing or rejection. But remember its always pays to check the area of choice with a laser torch for any veins.

* A detailed book on anatomy covering complete information on arteries, veins and nerves is good to have on hand. And ideal for attempting to read and piercing.

* Never be under the influence of alcohol or drugs whilst piercing.

* Straight or barbells Curved barbells are always the best for quicker healing.

* When using barbells for piercing always make sure you allow room for cleaning and any swelling.

* Make sure the jewelery used is never too small. Know your gauges, etc millimeters. Choosing jewelery to tight means piercing will not heal properly and lead to rejection.

* When selecting jewelery keep in mind the purpose of the piercing.

* Never use excessive force to insert into any piercing jewelery.

* Never use cheap jewelery, you will only have trouble. In life you generally always get what you pay for!

* Always make sure threads on balls and bars all work.

* Never pierce to shallow or piercing will grow out.

* Never change of piercing jewelery til the piercing is completely healed to changing soon could lead to infection.

* When using regular piercing needles always make sure the needle is lubricated. Water lubricates based eg KY or Vaseline.

* Piercing with a needle that is one size bigger is better if you do not have a thread for the pin end of the needle eg 14gauge use 13gauge. Just keep in mind you will have more bleeding then usual.

* Always use a pen to mark medical non toxic skin.
Big Thanks to Bleed obscene

How to Safely Pierce your Lip/Labret/Monroe/Medusa

How to pierce your Lip / Labret / MONROE / Medusa (Thanks for the help, Bleed Obscene)


16gauge, 10mm-12mm


Horse Shoe Barbell Labret Bar or type of jewelery.

Labret Bar is the best for healing.

Preference is with a piercing needle.


Firstly ash your hands with an anti-bacterial hand wash, dry with paper towelling and put on a pair of surgical gloves ..

Piercing AREA / SETTING:

* Sterilised jewelery and needle should be place on a double layered sheet of Paper towelling.

* Along with medical pen, alcohol Swabs, lubricate and water based hand sanitiser.

* A Small round open ended forceps (aka a Sponge Forceps)

* A Laser Light touch will be needed for viewing the veins and oral area.

* Use Hand Sanitiser on gloves to clean them before touching any of your tools.

* Disinfect the area to be pierced using a new isopropyl alcohol swab.

* In the normal sitting position, mark the placement of the piercing using the pen. Just remembering that the placement might change depending on where your veins run.

* Clamp the area and hold the clamp so it's straight down in the mouth. You'll ant the mark to be centred in the clamp. Pull the lip down and shine the light touch on the outside of the skin. The Light will shine through and show you where veins run. You'll have dark black shads is the major veins and you'll have small pinky red light which are the spider veins. Most of the time you can pierce through spider veins. Do NOT pierce through the Black Shads!

* One you've checked the Veins and all is in the clear it's ready to pierce.

* Lubricate the needle.

* Position the Forceps so you clamp the area, hold the clamp so it's straight down in the mouth line the mark up.

* Push the needle swiftly and firmly but not with excessive pressure, through the entry side until appox 5-6mm of the blunt end of the needle is showing.

* Place the thread of the jewelery in the needle and slowly push through.

* Put ball on jewelery and you're done.


All tools must be cleaned. Needle and disposed of. Its easy to Clean your arena by making sore all paper etc is all on paper towelling, picked up and thrown away.

** Do NOT clean newly pierced area with alcohol swab. **

Big thanks to Bleed obscene

Piercings Piercings Piercings Some More

Hey guys
All these people emailing me!
No followers though = (

Anyways, I had like nine stars in responce sent to my email to my DIY blog post.
Soooo many people piercing other people (mainly lips) with safety pins and plyers! Ive done that and I know now that it is not the way to do it!! Piercings yourself is deangerous already, but piercing your self with the wrong tools and no experience is even worse. Get it done professionally. If you must pierce yourself with a DIY kit atleast research it A LOT and find out where your veins are, where the DIY kit is coming from, and make sure it is sterile .. I actually can not remember the full name of it, but I believe it is called a laser light touch. It will show you where your veins are. There will be two different color veins, some blackish ones * DO NOT THROUGH THOSE Pierce *, and there will be some small pinkish ones called spider  veins. Those ones you can usually pierce through (in your lip, atleast). I will post a full article with the help from Bleed obscene. She is an amazing piercing artist. She does all of her own piercings (with the right equiptment of course). And also some help from Fallen Angel. She also has a lot of experience with piercings and body mods. Both of these girls have amazing posts on GoreWhore. Fallen Angel also has a store / site called FunkMeDead. Amazing bioflex and home made jewlery. :) Read my next post for more info.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Piercings.. DIY?

Hey guys.
As you may or may not know I deleted the comments :( There was just so many that people didnt know where to comment anymore :P

I had a request to talk about DIY kits for piercings. They aren't the best idea but if you have to use them BE CAREFUL!
They can be very dangerous if you don't know what you are doing!
Professionals know what they are doing so pay the extra 20$ and let them do it...

Love...., Anna

Friday, January 15, 2010


Im bored..


Hey guys!

So I had to meet today with six counsillors = (

I was being assessed to make sure I was not emo or something .. So dumb!
They made me cry and told me I had no life .. = (
.. Woo hoo! (sarcasm) lol

Your boring friend,

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Hunan Chow Mein

Serving Size: 6 Preparation Time: 0:30 Categories: Cereals / Grains Main Course Chinese Dishes Vegetables Vegetarian Amount Measure Ingredient - Preparation Method -------- ------------ --- ----------------------------- 1 medium onion - chopped 3 cloves garlic - minced 1 tablespoon peanut oil 2 tablespoons soy sauce 1 teaspoon dried mustard 2 stalks celery - sliced diagonally 2 cups baby bok choy - chopped 1 red bell pepper - chopped 8 ounces waterchestnuts - sliced 1 cup vegetable stock 1 cup mushrooms - sliced 4 cups white rice - cooked

In a Wok or large skillet over high heat, cook onion and garlic in oil for 3 minutes, or until they begin to soften. Add soy sauce, mustard, celery, bok choy, bell pepper, water chestnuts, vegetable stock, and mushrooms. Continue cooking, stirring frequently, until vegetables are crisp-tender, about 5 minutes. Serve over rice.

GIRLS? BOYS? Who cares..?

Hey people!

I recently got into a fight with a woman who was against gays and lesbians .. I think that is so wrong. The only people who are againts that kinda stuff are people who are so insecure about their sexuality that they have to bash others'!

Sorry. Comment and tell me what you think:)


Cooking Tips/ Recipes

Hey guys!
As you know, I am a vegitarian!
I have some great tips to share with you!
First of all, If you want to have some great veggie stir fry toppers, Soak the Veggies in a little bit of water, then push the puices out of them, and then add a bit of Soy Sauce and voila!

Veggie Stir fry:
Mushrooms (optional)
Put in pan with some olive oil, let simmer, add topping and eat:)


I recently commented and joined a group going against my school on face book. I discovered the hard way that it is called slander to express your oppinion (essentially). Freedom of speach is now illegal, I guess.

This a free country, am I right?
Swearing is NOT illegal, am I right?
Joining a facebook group is not illegal, am I right?
Then how the hell do they figure that any thing I said was ilegal. The group name was against the school, NOT anyone personally! And even if it was against the law (which aparently it is) who reports a face book group to the police?

I will quit ranting, now.

Thanks for reading. If you are interested in some cooking tips read my next post:) Thanks

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Hair Tips:

Hey guys

# 1: I recently tried to give myself Vertical Streaks .. Not a Goood idea unless you read up on it first .. It did not work out ... But on the plus side I got some really awesome streaks in my hair. The tip coming from this is that if you take small chunks or hair from all over your head and dye them it will give you great streaks!

# 2: Today I mixed together some purple and pink dye. I got a light purple and I absalutely loved it! I used that colour on my bangs and did some awesome streaks. I put some of it on the the middle of my old pink streaks, and got a really cool kinda thing goin 'on. It's like pink then it gets lighter and lighter, then it goes into purple. It's so cool. I also accidently gave myself a vertical streak underneath my hair! I finally got my Vertical Streaks!

# 3: I've found that punky color is the best brand that I've used so far.

Thanks for reading. Hope it helped:)
<--- Awesomeness!

Super Awesome Opportunity!

Hey guys;I would just like to introduce my Aunt Cielle's site. She has some wicked purses! The site name is You should really check out her site.

Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day:)


Starting to Blog!

I'm kinda new to this whole blogging thing.. So let's see how I do!
My name is Anna. I was born in BC, Canada. My home town is Coquitlam, BC, but I am currently living in Langley, BC.
I very much enjoy being an alternitive kid. I enjoy the colours BLACK, PURPLE, BLUE, GREY, GREEN, AND RED :-D

I write poetry, sing, act, draw, paint, and love to write.
I am also a very strong beleiver in Animal Rights. I believe that if they were put on this earth they were meant to be treated with the same respect as anything else (including humans).

I am in fact a vegitarian. Flesh is for Zombies..

I am a total piercing junkie. I love love love piercings. I currently have 8, but im getting some more soon.

I also dye my hair ALOT..

I don't have any tattoos but they are pretty awesome.. Maybe some in the distant future :)

I am not religious. I have NOTHING against any religions. I just choose not to be religious.

Some role models in My life are my older brother, Steve, and my Aunt Cielle.
If it werent for you two I would probably be a loser ;P

I love love love meeeting new interesting people so email me or Face Book me :)
My facebook is Anna M Anderson.
My email is

Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day